English Short Course

English Short Course

Shortly after initiating the English preparatory class (Matriculation semester) for Tarbiyat al-Muhaqiqien students, SLC (Sadra Language Center) in cooperation with international gypsy volunteers conduct an English short course on Saturday October 6th 2012. The English short course, presenting very outstanding native speakers from Singapore, Mr Jasmine S Simon and from Perth Australia Ms Fazida Razak, aims at establishing environmental English in STFI Sadra and assisting students to enhance their English proficiency which help them cope with daily collegial activities.

The short course entitled “English Short Course on Building Communicative English – Turn on Your Bell to Elevate Your English”, focusing on utilizing English as an instrument of communications, is enthusiastically participated by the students of STFI Sadra. They strongly show their close attention to the way how the outstanding speakers perform their attractive skills of teaching English during the short course.

Served as an extra course, This SLC program which is regularly held in every semester hopefully upgrades students’ passion on learning English and significantly elevates their communicative English skills.

English Short Course


Shortly after initiating the English preparatory class (Matriculation semester) for Tarbiyat al-Muhaqiqien students, SLC (Sadra Language Center) in cooperation with international gypsy volunteers conduct an English short course on Saturday October 6th 2012. The English short course, presenting very outstanding native speakers from Singapore, Mr Jasmine S Simon and from Perth Australia Ms Fazida Razak, aims at establishing environmental English in STFI Sadra and assisting students to enhance their English proficiency which help them cope with daily collegial activities.

The short course entitled “English Short Course on Building Communicative English – Turn on Your Bell to Elevate Your English”, focusing on utilizing English as an instrument of communications, is enthusiastically participated by the students of STFI Sadra. They strongly show their close attention to the way how the outstanding speakers perform their attractive skills of teaching English during the short course.

Served as an extra course, This SLC program which is regularly held in every semester hopefully upgrades students’ passion on learning English and significantly elevates their communicative English skills.



menghasilkan sarjana filosof muda yang memiliki pemahaman luas dan keahlian di bidang filsafat Islam, serta mampu memberikan kontribusi terhadap berbagai persoalan pemikiran Filsafat dan Islam pada masyarakat, baik di tingkat nasional maupun internasional


menghasilkan para sarjana yang memiliki keahlian dalam bidang Ilmu Al-Quran dan Tafsir, mampu melakukan penelitian fenomena sosial dan keagamaan dan mencari alternatif pemecahanan masalahnya berbasiskan pada Ilmu Al- Quran dan Tafsir.

Jalan. Lebak bulus II no.2 Cilandak Barat, Jakarta Selatan 12430. Call: 021-29446460 Fax: 021-29235438 info@sadra.ac.id

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Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Islam di Indonesia yang fokus pada pengkajian filsafat Islam & Ilmu Alqur’an – Tafsir. Sistem pembelajaran di dasarkan pada perpaduan antara nilai-nilai tekstual (alqur’an & Assunah) dengan pendekatan rasional yang bersumber dari khazanah ilmiah Islam klasik & kontemporer.
